Tajiri is the son of Aibu and Artibennoda's Rumia, bred by Tasha in TBC.

Tajiri (Swahili, "Wild") lives in the East Forest of the Lower North. He's a predator, through and through, and though he vaguely supports Shiva's actions, he doesn't support his motive, and thus is a neutral in the war. He is the dark one in the Forest that Augmentia tries to contain in "her" forest, though she would never physically or verbally attack him. He kills for pleasure as well as food, though he does eventually use the carcasses of those he exterminates. He gets sick often, and the bodies stockpiled from when he has killed just to hear screams keep him from starving to death. He refuses to visit Makuu, because she stands for what he is against. His glowing points make it easy to determine how ill or healthy he is; the more the glow, the sicker.

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