About Us

If you want to draw them: I'll offer art in return, or five pets from my trades. :3 Please read the descriptions carefully; I may have a few options on forms and the like. I'm a bit picky about what- if anything else- they may be seen as. If there's nothing stated, then assume they are to remain in the form they are shown as. I'll simply put the link to the pic or Oekaki thread on their page.
On usage: If you want to use some of these characters in art or ficlets, PM me. I might just let you, so long as you give me credit for the character.
On breeding: If I breed any of them, it'll either be on the species thread or in The Breeding Center. If I do not have up for breeding, it means it's not for breeding. At all. Ever. Or... it means I haven't gotten around to putting it up. Either way.
On adoption: These characters are mine, and mine alone (with the exception of the Goennec and Simli species). No one else should ever claim any of these as their own, because they're not for adoption. They're dearly loved. Anything I put up for adoption will be on the specified adoptions page, and forms will have to be PM'd to me.

I've provided a loose sketch of a map of Lower and High North, with Simli cities included. At the source of the river is a glacier, nestled neatly in the mountains of High North.

Secret characters!


Leaving The Emporium:

Vox Tigrem

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