These guys have snuck from the "Little Adopts" area into the storyline. xD Or, well, at least they have personalities.

Akira is constantly under the wrath of his own restraints. He keeps himself well under check, not allowing- not even for a second- for his emotions to get the better of him. He and Brad are very close friends, though he doesn't particularly care for Brad's hellraising ways.

Brad's the rock star of the group. Loud, vain, and suffering from an eating disorder, he's the one with questionable sexual preferences and a huge superiority complex. This is one cheetah nobody really wants to upset, lest they find themselves with an armful of diva.

Tatkret is the "princess" of the group. She, like Brad, has a diva streak, though it's nothing like his. She's the one with access to music, and is almost perpetually in a music-induced trance. 

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