Raxal and Madai are the children of Aibu and Artibennoda's Rumia, bred by Tasha in TBC.

Rax and Mad were born in the northern edge of the Savannah. They were completely normal back then, perfectly sane Quagga-tiger crossbreeds that lived happily in Aibu's herd. Mad loved to explore, his bright green eyes watching the large insects as he stalked them. Raxal was slightly vain, preferring to untangle her black mane and listen to the elder females of the herd chat and gossip.

Then they were kidnapped in the middle of the night.

They were taken to the Schattenland, where they were expected to be slaves. They rebelled, and were tortured into madness for their disobedience whenever they refused to follow orders. Eventually, they were deemed useless and sent to the execution block, where they made their escape. Both are currently very much insane, with an extreme fascination with blood. They've been known to bite themselves just to watch their bodies bleed.

Lineart by Red Ace. Apparently custom...?

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