Species copyright Callisto


 Jeu'nel is a custom one for me. <3

Name: Jeu'nel
Gender: Male
Coloring: Natural
Markings: Unnatural
Height: 24"
Body Length: 22"
Tail Length: 44"
Material Status: Single
Abnormalities: Albino/Pale Mane
Mutations: None

Jeu lives in the southwestern patch of forest, near the river Na'lax. He loves his solitude, though he enjoys visiting others ever now and again. He is, for the moment, very much single, and enjoys this as much as any other bachelor would in his position. He is almost nocturnal, active only in the evenings and early mornings, more out of choice and habit rather than anything else. He is calm and quiet, preferring to watch rather than participate. He enjoys catfish out of all of the fish in "his" river.   


Raja is incredibly vain. She constantly cleans herself and shows off her body, flirting and fluffing her tail relentlessly. She doesn't have to believe that she is the most beautiful- because she, without a doubt, is. She's had her eyes set on Jeu'nel, though she loves stringing Cedar along.


Cedar is the epitome of clueless jock. He loves running, pulling himself up trees using only his tail, and curling up next to Raja, whom he believes loves him. He's turned down several offers of love for her, not knowing that he's being played with. 


Rico lives along the southern edge of the Sea, right by the rainforest. He loves the tropical weather, and he loves nothing more than to ride the waves and chew on the fruit that falls into the water. His favorite fruit is grapefruit, though he most certainly loves mangoes.

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