Dalin is a strange one. He is known in the Lower North as the Seer. He predicts the future in strange, vague poems and prophecies, all the while staring at the sky through his peacock feather, waving his neck back and forth, and flapping his translucent wings. He is always present for births, as he can predict the child's future the best at that point in time.

Dalin's origins are a mystery, because he has lived for so long. Not one animal in the North remembers a time before Dalin, except one, and he's so ancient that he could be mistaken for dead anyway. His hovel in the Lower North is filled with beads of different stones, hanging from thin vines and casting lights absolutely everywhere. He is known as the local oddity by those in the Upper North, who ridicule his practices as witchcraft, and call him a witch doctor, even if he is only rarely involved in healing anything other than spiritual troubles.

Outside of his predictions and vague answers to life question, he is extremely quiet, barely making a sound as he wanders about, gathering fruits, berries, leaves and sticks, or stares into the sky, reading answers that only he can see. Sometimes, he will speak of seeing the dead, or hearing spirits talk in the wind. No one can really tell if he can, after all, no one else speaks to the dead.

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