Ajiros copyright Sandwitch


Argentil is a male Ajiro that lusts after Augmentia, though he is too shy to tell her, and doubts that she will love him in return. He is a very quiet Ajiro, preferring to flee rather than confront Augmentia about his feelings. He tends to go for smaller prey, like squirrels and rabbits, rather than take down large prey, and only does so when he's out of sight of Augmentia, because he doesn't want his inability to conform to her strict diet to ruin his chances with her.

He was born in the same dwindling herd as Tain and Augmentia, and they have stuck near each other as the remainder of their herd has died out from a sudden epidemic. They don't quite depend on each other all of the time, too afraid that the disease will return if they do, but they have, at least, remained in contact.

Design by Dawnflame.


Augmentia is an apprentice of Dalin who guards the Eastern Forest. She is an Ajiro. She has taken to a similar diet as Elythia, and loves to tend to her patch of woodland, hoping for peace in her home. She is a very reclusive Ajiro, preferring the company of only one of the few males left of her former herd, Argentil, though she will tolerate Tain's sad presence as well with nothing but grace. 

Design by Dawnflame.


Bee is a hardworking, loyal son of Augmentia and Argentil, born when they decided that the species needed saving, and folded their pride in favor of their future. He's incessantly upbeat and hyper, racing around with his wings spread and making his mother laugh. He loves to have fun, and hopes to make his parents proud someday.

Design by Dawnflame.


'Cade is Bee's brother. He's slightly dark, disgruntled by his brother's cheerful demeanor. Though he's not necessarily evil, he does relish in the thrill of the hunt and the kill when he joins his father for meals. Though he is so different from his mother in terms of behavior, he is inherently good-hearted, preferring to use dark tactics for the "greater good."

Design by Dawnflame.


Tian had an easy life for his first year, before Shiva's army burned down his home and nearly ripped his wings off. He escaped to Augmentia's forest, where he has remained, shying away from any and all creatures- including Augmentia herself, and the young male that stands by her side, Argentil. Whispers in the forest tell of him, the glowing gold ghost of the west woods, and many, many ideas are formed as to his story.

Tian loves his solitude, and the peace he is surrounded by. He has learned by watching Augmentia how to survive on the meat of the dying or already dead, giving the sick and elderly peace and recycling their energy. He is a gentle Ajiro, but very, very sad as well.

Design by Sandwitch.

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