Design by Jerry. <3

V’Arikor, along with B’Arivoi and her odd spawn of a son, Dalin, were the first to settle in the valley that is the North. While B’Arivoi took to the snowy mountains and Dalin wandered through the plentiful plains and forest, V’Arikor made his homes in the three Fire Mountains, in the volcanoes in what is known currently as the Schattenland. There, he gave mercy to the overpopulated herds of locals, cutting down their numbers so food could be plentiful for those that survived. He and the others became the Divine Trio; Dalin, being present at all births became representative of birth, B’Arivoi, for her tender care toward any living being, became life, and V’Arikor represented death, taking out the weak and world-weary so the next generations might become stronger. 

Though he did not start out corrupted, his methods slowly started to change over time. Before, he would limit his killing to what his stomach could handle. Then, he started killing more and more, until some species, like deer, were completely wiped out from the North, or fled to another land to escape him. His thirst for blood became insatiable, especially when B’Arivoi passed on into spirit form, and was revered as a goddess. Jealousy made his thirst and hunger worse, and he was made into the symbol of what humans would call Satan.

Like B’Arivoi, when he passed into death, he returned as a spirit, corrupting the gullible and terrorizing the cowardly. Upon Shiva’s arrival into the North, he found the perfect puppet to channel though, and instantly guided the heartbroken animal to his former home. Using voices in Shiva’s head, he turned heartbreak into pure evil, the canine actually helping by coming up with the idea for an army to take over V’Arikor’s peers’ lands. And so V’Arikor took the mind of a black horse named Nyx to lead a pack of bloodthirsty hyenas, a species he created on a whim of evil-genius.

On occasion, he appears to Shiva, Nyx, or any of Nyx’s loyal children, but to no one else. He always appears in his natural, draconic form, blood sometimes dripping from his maw after a particularly gruesome battle. He is the banner under which Shiva wishes to take over, and he is the force whatever part is left of his mind that Shiva wants to emulate. 

Lineart unknown

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